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Perseverance Pays Off

Perseverance Pays Off

October 31, 2022

Perseverance Pays Off - Ajok's Success Story

My name is Ajok Deng, I am a single mother of 4 kids as everyone knows it is not easy to raise kids on my own, but I am very thankful to have such great support.

In 2018 I went through a lot of struggles such as finances and domestic violence since the time my ex-husband and I separated, I have been taking care of my kids by myself whilst having my cousins to support me.

I heard about the Certificate III in Individual Support at Auctus but at first refused to enrol because of the violence I went through. With my cousin’s support I applied for Auctus in 2020 at first I was just joking around because I did not believe in myself but with the support I received I continued to try. Auctus has always supported me by providing me with a support officer from Learner Support Services – Azadeh. I thank her from the bottom of my heart for all the support she gave me.

My thanks also go to you Nadia and Junaid for the support that you have given me. Thanks to Junaid for always giving me examples of his life and the struggles he went through; this gave me more perseverance and helped me to be determined to finish the course.

God Bless you all and I will continue to do my studies aim for bigger and greater things and I will never give up.



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